Our main focuses
MOSH / MOAH analyses
MOSH / MOAH (Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons or Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons) are undesirable substances in food and classified as contaminants. These substances may find their way into our food during production, processing as well as packaging during the transport and storage of a food or as a result of environmental influences.
As regards the investigation of mineral oil hydrocarbons in packaging materials and foods, a distinction is usually made between saturated (MOSH) and aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH); in addition, the so-called POSH (Polymer Oligomeric Saturated Hydrocarbons) are also included. These are oligomers of plastics (e.g., PE = polyethylene or PP = polypropylene) which are chemically similar to the MOSH compounds and are analytically not separated by the on-line HPLC-GC-FID technique. POSH can also migrate into food.
mas gmbh is accredited for the determination of mineral oils (MOSH / MOAH) in food, feed, cosmetic raw materials and products, consumables, packaging materials as well as additives for the production of packaging according to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025:2005.
Depending on the matrix the limits of quantification routinely range from 0.5 mg/kg up to 3.0 mg/kg. If necessary lower quantification limits for MOSH / MOAH can be achieved. In this case we kindly ask you to coordinate this with mas gmbh prior to the order.
For further information or a detailed offer, please contact us under: contact@mas-tp.com
Analysis of highly toxic contaminants in emissions and ambient air samples according to German federal laws and international regulations
Legal regulations according to German federal laws as well as international guidelines require reliable analyses of highly toxic environmental contaminants in ultratrace ranges. EPA and JIS standard methods for the analysis of dioxins in emissions are an integral part of our accreditation.
We concentrate our services particularly to the support of institutes, which provide sampling of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) but not their analysis.
Environmental analyses
We do the same regarding indoor and workplace air samples, building materials and all environmental matrices from waste water via biota to waste residues and residues from industrial cleaning devices.
Analyses of products
On an industrial scale the clients needs are directed by the requirements of product safety, consumer protection and not least by meeting the legal regulations.
This requires a high class analytical performance in batch process mode, also a main part of our service range.
Fire accidents
Accidents require immediate reaction to avoid acute environmental contamination and to minimize production standstills.
The mas laboratory is prepared to realise turnaround times for PCDD/F- analyses of 24 to 48 hrs.
Food and feed analyses, analyses in samples of human origin
With the regulation 2375/2001/EC and the guideline 2003/57/EC coming into force, the EC-commission set Maximum Values for dioxins/furans in food and feeding stuffs. In 2006 these Maximum Values (limit values given in toxic equivalents (TEQs) will be completed by dioxin-like PCBs (WHO-PCBs). The mas holds the accreditation for the determination of dioxins and furans as well as dioxin-like PCBs in food and feed according to the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005 requirements.
The determination of these persistent organic pollutants in samples of human origin takes also a prominent part of our analytical Portfolio.
Take our know how and consulting capacities as an additional benefit, based on 15 years of experience in planning and conducting studies and supporting our customers to implement the study results.
Our consultancy and services may refer to
- conceptual design of analytical studies and R & D projects
- development of sampling and testing schemes
- development of analytical methods
- appraisal and interpretation of test results
- provision of study reports
- preparation of written expertises and comments
- consulting with respect to the legal relevance of study results
- presentation of results to the authorities
- presentation of results in national and international journals or on
- symposia