Investigations on:
emissions (exhaust gas) and immissions (ambient air)

As a rule the founders of mas functioned as leading authors in numerous articles mainly focussed on the topics of our current analytical portfolio. You can find some of these publications ready for download and seperated to the diverse matrices. For others being without download function which may also be of some interset for you, please contact us directly to send you the paper version.

Publication: No. 56
Authors: Luthardt, P., Dhaese J., Hovemann, A., Keymeulen, R.., Opel, M., Reichel, K.
Media: 23rd International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants
and POP's, Dioxin 2003, August 24-29, 2003, Boston, U.S.A.
Title: "PCDD/F measurements in emissions of a Belgian Sintering Plant –
an exemplary look at the uncertainty“
Download Publication No. 56

Publication: No. 52
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J., Perrin, C., Vasse, L.
Media: Environnement&Technique 223, 33-42 (2003).
Title: "Dioxines et furannes émis lors de processus à hautes températures“
Download Publication No. 52

Publication: No. 50
Authors: Luthardt, P., Opel, M.
Media: 2 lecture scripts in Conference issue:
6th Polish Dioxin Conference in Craków, Sept. 26/27th, 2002.

a. "Dioxins in food and feed“
b. “Dioxin emissions and depositions at a Belgian industrial site”

Publication: No. 48
Authors: Perrin, C., Vasse, L., Luthardt, P., Schulte, J.
Media: 22nd International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants
and POP's, Dioxin 2002, August 11-16, 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

„Regulation and control of the emissions of PCDD/F in France "

Publication: No. 47
Authors: Luthardt, P., Dhaese J., Hartung, R., Keymeulen, R.
Media: 22nd International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants
and POP's, Dioxin 2002, August 11-16, 2002, Barcelona, Spain.

"Dioxin emissions and depositions at a Belgian industrial site"

Publication: No. 44
Autoren: Luthardt, P.
Media: WLB Wasser, Luft und Boden 6 (2002)
Title: "Dioxin-Inventare"
Download Publication No. 44

Publication: No. 43
Authors: Luthardt, P., Hartung, R.
Media: Gefahrstoffe-Reinhaltung der Luft 62 (6), 2002.
Title: "Immissionen: Trefferquote im Gauß-Krüger-Messraster"
Download Publikation No. 43

Publication: No. 42
Authors: Luthardt, P.
Media: Lecture at DESS/CPRE (University of Orléans, France), January 29th, 2002.
Title: "Dioxins in emissions"

Publication: No. 37
Authors: Luthardt, P.
Media: Conference Issue : 6th International Symposium on Food Authenticity
and Safety November 28-30, 2001, Nantes, France
Title: "PCDD/F Profiles in Emissions, Feeding Stuff and Food"

Publication: No. 36
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J.
Media: Organohalogen Comp. 51 (2001), 230-234. 21st International Symposium
on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POP's, Dioxin 2001,
September 7-14, 2001, Gyeongju, South-Corea
Title: "PCDD/F Profiles in Emissions, Feeding Stuff and Food"

Publication: No. 35
Authors: Luthardt, P., Mayer, J., Fuchs, J.
Media: Chemosphere 46, 1303-1308 (2002).
Title: "Total TEQ Emissions (PCDD/F and PCB) from Industrial Sources"
Download Publication No. 35

Publication: No. 34
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J., Hemminghaus, H.-J.
Media: a) UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 13 (2), 95-101 (2001)
b) Gate to EHS 2001
Title: a) „Dioxin-/Furan- 'Verbrennungsprofile' in Abgasen aus Hochtemperaturprozessen"
Teil 3: Ein Beweis für den monomechanistischen Verlauf? 'Thermostat-Synthese' statt
'De novo für die ‘dirty 17‘ 
b) „Dioxin/Furan ‘Combustion Profiles‘ in Flue Gas from High-Temperature Processes"
Part 3: A Proof for the Mono-Mechanical Course? ‘ThermoStat‘ instead of
‘De Novo‘ Synthesis for the ‘Dirty 17‘

Publication: No. 33
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J., Perrin, C., Vasse, L.
Media: Dechets 22-2ème, 17-20 (2001).
Title: "Suivi permanent et mesures ponctuelles de dioxines et furanes
sur des effluents gazeux d'usines d'incinération d'ordures ménagères"

Publication: No. 32
Authors: Luthardt, P., Fuchs, J., Mayer, J.
Media: Organohalogen Compounds 45, 344-347 (2000) 20th International
Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and
POP's, Dioxin 2000, August 13-17, 2000, Monterey CF.
Title: "Total TEQ Emissions (PCDD/F and PCB) from Industrial Sources"

Publication: No. 31
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J., Perrin, C., Vasse, L.
Media: Dechets 19-3ème, 37-39 (2000).
Title: "Note sur les caractéristiques des profiles de dioxines et furannes
émis dans les gaz de combustion d'usines d'incinération d'ordures ménagers"

Publication: No. 30
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J.
Media: a) UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 12 (4), 215-219 (2000)
b) Gate to EHS 2001
Title: a) „Dioxin-/Furan- 'Verbrennungsprofile' in Abgasen aus Hochtemperaturprozessen"
Teil 2: Annäherung an eine thermodynamisch kontrollierte Reaktionsvariante mittels
semiempirischer Molekülorbital-Methode unter Nutzung des MOPAC-Programmpaketes 
b) „Dioxin/Furan ‘Combustion Profiles‘ in Flue Gas from High-Temperature Processes"
Part 2: Approach to a Thermodynamically-Controlled Reaction Variant by Means of
the Semi-Empirical Molecular-Orbital Method Using the MOPAC Package of Programmes

Publication: No. 29
Authors: Luthardt, P., Schulte, J.
Media: a) UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, 12 (3), 157-162, 2000
b) Gate to EHS 2001
Title: a) „Dioxin-/Furan- 'Verbrennungsprofile' in Abgasen aus Hochtemperaturprozessen."
Teil 1: Grundlagen der Entstehung und Profilcharakteristik unterschiedlicher Anlagetypen 
b) „Dioxin/Furan ‘Combustion Profiles‘ in Flue Gas from High-Temperature Processes"
Part 1: Basics of the Origin and the Characteristic of Profile of Different Type of Plants

Publication: No. 26
Authors: Hamm, S.
Media: Jenaer Umweltanalytik-Tage, Jena 19./20.05.1998 Kurzreferat
Title: „Schadstoffuntersuchungen bei Bränden"

Publication: No. 23
Authors: Funcke, W., Luthardt, P., Philipp, C.
Media: Tagungsband der VDI-Tagung Primär- und sekundärseitige Dioxin-
Gesamtemissionsminimierungstechniken, 18. - 19.09.1997, München.
Title: „Emissionsmessungen an einem Kohlekraftwerk im Normalbetrieb
und während des Einsatzes von Sonderbrennstoffen"

Publication: No. 22
Authors: Funcke, W., Luthardt, P., Philipp, C.
Media: Organohalogen Compounds 31, 497-501 (1997). 17th International
Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds, Indianapolis,
Indiana, USA, August 25-29.
Title: „Co-Combustion of Alternative Fuel in a Coal-Fired Power Plant"

Publication: No. 19
Authors: Funcke, W., Hovemann, A. and Luthardt, P.
Media: Chemosphere 26, 863-870 (1993)
Title: „Influence of the electrostatic precipitator on concentrations of
organic compounds in flue gas"

Publication: No. 18
Authors: Funcke, W., Luthardt, P., Philipp, Ch., Ledebur, H., Staberow,
P., Teichert, B.
Media: Organohalogen Compounds 12, 43-44 (1993). 13th International
Symposium on Chlorinated Dioxins and Related Compounds,
Vienna, September 1993.
Title: „PCDF/D concentrations below 0.1 ng I-TE/m3 in the stack gas
of a municipal waste incinerator without tertiary flue gas
cleaning device"

Publication: No. 17
Authors: Luthardt, P.
Media: Tagungsband zur Sitzung des Fachausschusses VI der Deutschen
Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 20. Oktober 1993, Würzburg.
Title: „Messen von Dioxinen an Feuerungsanlagen; Kenngrößen einer
vereinfachten Probenahmetechnik und Ausblick auf die Entwicklung
einer PCDF/D-Langzeitprobenahme"

Publication: No. 16
Authors: Funcke, W., Hovemann, A., Luthardt, P. and Manske, E.
Media: Chemosphere 27, 547-553 (1993).
Title: „Influence of the electrostatic precipitator and the flue gas
temperature on concentrations of organic compounds"

Publication: No. 15
Authors: Funcke, W., Hovemann, A. und Luthardt, P.
Media: Dioxin-Informationsveranstaltung, Augsburg, 11.-13.11.1991
Deutsche Serie der Organohalogen Compounds 7, 171 (1991)
Title: „Einfluß des Elektrofilters von Verbrennungsanlagen auf
Abgaskonzentrationen organischer Substanzen"

Publication: No. 14
Authors: Funcke, W., Hovemann, A. und Luthardt, P.
Media: Chemosphere 26, 863-870 (1993).
Title: „Influence of the electrostatic precipitator on concentrations of
organic compounds in flue gas"