Frequently Asked Questions
...and our answers
Usually, it is the TEQ value (according to the NATO/CCMS or WHO version), but sometimes also specific sums of selected congeners.
The download file is intended to shed some "light into the darkness" of the evaluation standards.
Since the inclusion of dioxin-like (dl-) PCBs in the total TEQ of a sample (along with the PCDD/F-TEQ), the question sometimes arises as to what proportion the two different component groups have.
We once created a compilation for various matrices based on our experience in a presentation.
For enlargement, please click on picture
In this question, one must be very cautious as a chemist. Nevertheless, we have tried, in cooperation with a biologist and a graphic artist, to describe the mode of action of the dioxin molecules vividly.
Perhaps the quintessence is interesting: TCDD does not act as a cause but as a preventer of the natural defence of the immune system (immunosuppression).