“Dioxin-like” and Other PCBs
Regarding the analytics of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB), the individual requirements differ more than for any other class of substances. mas is prepared for these demanding tasks:
- 6 DIN congeners using GC/HRMS analysis or GC-MS/MS
- Total Tri- to DecaCB using GC/HRMS analysis
- 12 dioxin-like PCB (WHO-PCB) using GC/HRMS analysis or GC-MS/MS
- Specific PCB congeners like PCB 47, 51, and 68
- either separately or in combination with PCDD/F.
Structure of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB)

Emissions, air, immissions, deposition, dusts, ashes, residues, waste, materials for recovery, soils, contaminated sites, chemicals, raw materials, additives, water, wastewater, sludges, sediments, biota, plants, wood, food, feed, industrial soots, activated carbon, plastics, rubber, plastic shredders, fire residues, wipe samples, mineral oil, and used oil.
For further information or a detailed quote, please contact us directly.