It’s been a long time,
hasn’t it ?!
The formation of mas

above: Armin Maulshagen, Franz Jöne
below: Peter Luthardt, Stephan Hamm
They all followed their professionell activities in the same company until 2004. But then Stephan Hamm (PhD), Franz Jöne, Peter Luthardt (PhD) and Armin Maulshagen (PhD) decided to set up their own business.
From the time of prearrangement until the actual founding in 2005, besides the preparation of a business plan, the funding and the search for an adequate location, they created the „working title“ for the future company:
● mas | münster analytical solutions gmbh ●
The name should be synonymical to our policy, based in the city of Münster, solution-oriented as defined by our customers and reliable in the challenging field of ultratrace analyses of certain toxic contaminants.
Our advertising agency got the mandate to find an appropriate company logo. From several suggestions (all in similar and good quality) the „Four“ chose the graphical realisation of the „Giant Poolballs“ placement near the Münster lake Aa.
After a tough beginning, the turnaround has been gained in 2009 and the steadily growing amount of satisfied customers contributed to establish "mas" with a good reputation in the market.
In 2017 mas moved into it’s new established, own building, in Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. in Münster, with now 28 staff.
And this year (2025) we celebrate our 20th anniversary …

above: Armin Maulshagen, Franz Jöne
below: Peter Luthardt, Stephan Hamm
hasn’t it ?!
They all followed their professionell activities in the same company until 2004. But then Stephan Hamm (PhD), Franz Jöne, Peter Luthardt (PhD) and Armin Maulshagen (PhD) decided to set up their own business.
From the time of prearrangement until the actual founding in 2005, besides the preparation of a business plan, the funding and the search for an adequate location, they created the „working title“ for the future company:
● mas | münster analytical solutions gmbh ●
The name should be synonymical to our policy, based in the city of Münster, solution-oriented as defined by our customers and reliable in the challenging field of ultratrace analyses of certain toxic contaminants.
Our advertising agency got the mandate to find an appropriate company logo. From several suggestions (all in similar and good quality) the „Four“ chose the graphical realisation of the „Giant Poolballs“ placement near the Münster lake Aa.
After a tough beginning, the turnaround has been gained in 2009 and the steadily growing amount of satisfied customers contributed to establish "mas" with a good reputation in the market.
In 2017 mas moved into it’s new established, own building, in Wilhelm-Schickard-Str. in Münster, with now 28 staff.
And this year (2025) we celebrate our 20th anniversary …