Dioxin Analysis: Quality over quantity
... simply analytical solutions
Emission samples are unique, and product investigations are equally demanding because they embody our customers' commitment to consumer protection and product safety. For the analysis of Polychlorinated Dibenzo(p)dioxins (PCDD) and Polychlorinated Dibenzofurans (PCDF), as well as Polybrominated Dioxins (PBDD) and Furans (PBDF), our laboratory is equipped with two high-resolution GC/HRMS systems and two GC-MS/MS systems (Triple Quadrupole GC).
Structure of PCDD and PCDF

Matrices – an overview of the substances we analyse:
Emissions, air, immissions (particulate matter and deposition), indoor air, workplace measurements, dusts, ashes, residues, waste, materials for recovery, compost, fertilizers, paper sludge, sludges, sediments, soils, contaminated sites, chemicals, raw materials, products, additives, water, wastewater, wood, industrial soot, activated carbon, plastics, rubber products, consumer goods, packaging, plastic shredders, fire damage samples, mineral oil, used oil, biota, plants, biochar, food, feed.
For further information or a detailed quote, please contact us directly.