An excerpt
Chemosphere 251_2020
“PBDDF in toys HRMS CALUX assay, Detection of high PBDD/Fs levels and dioxin-like activity in toys using a combination of GC-HRMS, rat-based and human-based DR CALUX® reporter gene assays”
Rubber Chemistry and Technology Journal, 91, 225-250 (2018)
“Unsuitability of the ZEK/AFPS Test Method for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Carbon Black”
Poster presentation at RAFA 2011, 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Food Analysis, November 1 – 4, 2011, Prague, Czech Republic
“Determination of PCDDs, PCDFs, Dioxin-like and Non-Dioxin-Like PCBs in Fish Samples – A Comparison between Pressurized Solvent Extraction and Soxhlet Extraction”.
Neue Landwirtschaft (New Agriculture) 3, 34-35, (2011).
"Dioxine in Tierfutter und tierischen Lebensmitteln: Reale Gefahr oder überzogene Ängste?" (Dioxins in Animal Feed and Animal Foods: Real Danger or Exaggerated Fears?)
Rubber Chemistry and Technology Journal, 82, 214-228 (2009)
“Investigations on the Extraction and Migration Behaviour of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from cured Rubber Formulations containing Carbon Black as reinforcing Agent”
27th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs, DIOXIN CONFERENCE 2007, Tokyo, Japan
“Extraction Efficiency on the Analysis of ‘Non-Dioxin-Compounds’ by the EN 1948 Method”.
Organohalogen Compounds 67, 343-346 (2005)
DIOXIN CONFERENCE 2005, Toronto, Canada
“Interlaboratory Comparison of the Determination of Chlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins and Dibenzofurans according to Regulatory Methods EN 1948 and EPA 1613b”.
WLB Wasser, Luft und Boden (Water, Air and Soil) 6 (2002).
"Dioxin-Inventare" (Dioxin Inventories)
Gefahrstoffe - Reinhaltung der Luft (Hazardous Substances - Air Quality) 62 (6), 2002.
"Immissionen: Trefferquote im Gauss-Krüger-Messraster" (Ambient Air: Hit rate in the Gauss-Krüger measurement grid).
Chemosphere 44 (2001) 1353-1360
"Determination of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and PBDD/Fs during the recycling of high impact polystyrene containing decabromodiphenyl ether and antimony oxide"
Chemosphere 46, 1303-1308 (2002).
"Total TEQ Emissions (PCDD/F and PCB) from Industrial Sources”
a) UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology), 12 (4), 157-162, 2000. "Dioxin/Furan-Verbrennungsprofile in Abgasen aus Hochtemperaturprozessen. Teil 2: Annäherung an eine thermodynamisch kontrollierte Reaktionsvariante mittels semiempirischer Molekülorbital-Methode unter Nutzung des MOPAC-Programmpaketes".
b) Gate to EHS 2001 „Dioxin/Furan ‘Combustion Profiles‘ in Flue Gas from High-Temperature Processes.„ Part 2: Approach to a Thermodynamically-Controlled Reaction Variant by Means of the Semi-Empirical Molecular-Orbital Method Using the MOPAC Package of Programmes.
a) UWSF - Zeitschrift für Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie (Journal of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology), 12 (3), 157-162, 2000. "Dioxin/Furan-Verbrennungsprofile in Abgasen aus Hochtemperaturprozessen. Teil 1: Grundlagen der Entstehung und Profilcharakteristik unterschiedlicher Anlagentypen".
b) Gate to EHS 2001 - „Dioxin/Furan ‘Combustion Profiles‘ in Flue Gas from High-Temperature Processes.„Part 1: Basics of the Origin and the Characteristic of Profile of Different Type of Plants.