Analytics in Environmental Samples
Notified according to the Waste Module of our Accreditation
The analytics of environmental samples involve determining contaminants in building materials and wastewater, from contaminated sites to residues (e.g., from flue gas cleaning).
Additionally, soil, sewage sludge, fertilizers, and compost are analysed. The legal foundations are also diverse, such as AbfKlärV, DüMV, BioAbfV, BBodschutzV, LAGA guidelines.
The mas laboratory is notified as a testing site under § 33 AbfKlärV (09-2017) for the analysis of sewage sludge and soil samples for PCDD/F, dioxin-like PCBs, DIN-PCBs, and Benzo(a)pyrene.
We also offer analyses to check compliance with limit values according to the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance: Eight 2378-brominated congeners (PBDD/F) and the seventeen 2378-chlorinated congeners (PCDD/F), e.g., in residues, dust, and pigments.